Weekend Warriors!

Weekend Warriors!

Today let’s do 30 minutes of work. Set your Seconds timer to 30 rounds, 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Your 6 exercises: Push ups or plyo push ups Skater Jumps Fake Jump Rope Alternating lunges OR split jumps Plank High Knees This one will be hard on the...
Weekend Warriors!

Ponder This

A list to ponder…I am currently taking a heavy philosophy class to help me better understand current discontent and here are a few nuggets I think might help us all shake the self hate thing =) Nothing is linear.  It is a perception of a time and space. Changing...
Weekend Warriors!


Main excuses we tell ourselves when we DON’T want to eat healthily or exercise… This is a check yourself email.  Make sure you know how to smell out excuse and perfectionist talk.  I don’t have time.  This is lack of priority and creativity.  There is always time if...
Weekend Warriors!

Too Hard On Yourself

Too hard on yourself. When it comes to maintaining a routine that seems really tough, really, inconveniencing, or in general something that isn’t your passion, but it is a necessity to quality of life,  I think judgement on ourselves needs to be taken down a notch....
Weekend Warriors!

Permission To Quit

I was listening to Rachel Hollis’ book, Girl, Wash Your Face.  Side–This book is great for people in romantic relationships. It is a great way to communicate and it is entertaining.  Highly recommend! At the beginning of the book she discusses the promises we...