Main excuses we tell ourselves when we DON’T want to eat healthily or exercise…
This is a check yourself email. Make sure you know how to smell out excuse and perfectionist talk.
I don’t have time. This is lack of priority and creativity. There is always time if you want to make it.
I will start tomorrow. Freshness and opportunity are in each moment.
I need to rest. Inflammation suggests a lack of movement and poor nutritional choices. Go easy on yourself, but don’t just stop. Stopping takes away momentum.
It’s not working. That is your self esteem. Check in with yourself on that one. Exercise and body composition tend to correlate, but it isn’t the only correlation.
I’m having a bad day. Self deprecation…not self care. Get your shit in the open and walk.
I feel like I’m going backwards. Who truly knows if you are going backwards or forwards? Take the temperature of your consistency, not your perfection.
Things are too hard. Maybe, but dopamine can be powerful. Find it.
If you are falling off the wagon, just check in with why. I have a hard time understanding self love as being sad with who you are.
Go easy, but keep moving.