
This past couple of weeks have been some of the most challenging weeks of my life from my motherhood and business point of view.

I have been extremely exposed…fear of pain and uncertainty for my child, emotional pain of seeing as a business owner, other not fun business lessons,  bike accidents, sick kids, new staff, and an up and coming expansion…

A lot of unknowns and my ego getting ripped up and anxiety triggers of unrealistic understanding of reality…

All in a week.  And I’m not in a great place.  I’m actually pretty freaked out…and yet through all of my irrational responses to moments of uncertainty, I knew I needed to reset.  So I’m writing to you.

In fact, most of my newsletters are not inspired by problems around me, but imbalances within.

I certainly have a high level of resilience.  High level of fighting through the ease of comfort, but sometimes life does get the best of me and I get pretty bummed and then I bouce back.  I try not to be stuck in my understanding of the presence and move forward when it is clear that the irritations of lessons are invisible high school English teachers…Poking you to analyze, revise, read more closely, and say it without excess.

English teachers always gave me much more than simply learning the art in the English language, so I played with this idea of grappling with emotional responses and our ability to reflect.

Like I said…analyze, revise, read more closely, and say it without excess.

Analyze what really is happening.  It is YOU. Completely. You can’t know others the way you know yourself and if that means leading with empathy instead of self imposed confusion then do that.  Your fear can make you self preserve instead of grow. Shift to growing. Shift to finding your loving response to yourself and others.

Revise how you are responding…PLEASE FEEL.  Discomfort is a lesson, however, revise what that discomfort is making you do.  Find a diffuser. Neutralize pain’s power over your perception of reality. Break it up.  Read a book. Walk. Recognize that action unless love filled will not work as quickly or effectively in the long run.

Read more closely to your wisdom.  You know way more than you think, but rarely do you really trust intuition of love.  We can be impulsive. Full of fear. Inactive. Angry. Mean. But, that isn’t the complexity of your influence in the world or in yourself.  Ride the wave of endorphins when you feel like you have found a truth. Feel warm when you problem solve.

Then when you find a solution say it without excess.  Don’t fill your head or those around you with pomp and circumstance…just find the words after the pain is felt.  Simplicity and being concise is the best way to communicate complexity…to yourself and to others.

Rinse and repeat =)

Do you have other ways?