Today’s post shall be short as I hope you are spending time with those you love instead of being on your phone or computer; however, I wanted to thank you all for opening your emails and remaining readers.
We hope our material is helpful for all of you and that it motivates you to continue your development in wellness and longevity.
This Thanksgiving we will be counting our blessings, pausing for reflection, and being overwhelmed with all of the wonderful people in our community. Even though we are in some tricky times, we can turn to our friends and loved ones and find some warmth and connection.
Take care today and refer back to our emails if you need any help eating well. And if you want to get in a quick workout, join us on Facebook Live at 11:45am EST for a 25 minute, multi-level fitness workout. It will keep you feeling energized throughout your entire day.
Be well and again, thank you for your eyes and confidence.
In wellness,
Erin and Rod