A list to ponder…I am currently taking a heavy philosophy class to help me better understand current discontent and here are a few nuggets I think might help us all shake the self hate thing =)

Nothing is linear.  It is a perception of a time and space.

Changing your mind is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of confidence.

Progress is not connected to time.

Emotion is the creating side of knowledge, not the ugly step sister of knowledge.

Fact/Rationalization will always be wrong the moment the thought is born.  This should not create fear. If it does, the tendency to assert unnecessary authority will be created.

A culture of “right” seeking diminishes creativeness.

Knowing is unnecessary.  Decision making structures CAN BE YOURS.

And my favorite…The Enlightenment doesn’t own thought.

Go grab a coffee, look at the sky and ponder that quantum physics fun.